Ingredient of the Month: Peaches

Facts About Peaches
* The saying, "You're a Real Peach" originated from the tradition of giving a peach to the friend you liked.* In China the peach is a symbol of longevity and good luck.
* There are over 700 varieties of peaches-some Chinese varieties are even flat like hockey pucks.

Drink of the Month: Kentucky Blues
sola's 2009 Green City Market CocktailThis cocktail was such a hit at this year's Green City Market Chefs BBQ that Chef Wallack added it to sola's menu. This refreshing drink is a mix of fresh 'Seedling' blueberries, house-made ginger ale, Pureed blueberries, Maker's Mark bourbon, and lime.
Maker's Mark Dinner

The dinner is $70.00 excluding tax and gratuity and will begin at 6:30 p.m. Reservations can be made by calling 773.327.3868.
Triple B Night!
Burgers, Beer and Bacon, oh my! Indulge yourself every Thursday with sola's Burger, Beer and Bacon Thursdays! Every Thursday beginning at 5:30 p.m., Chef Carol Wallack features her burger, a unique beer and a special appetizer infused with sola's house-made bacon. Some specials include Bacon brittle ice cream with apple bread pudding, Morimoto Soba Ale and sola's burger which is normally only available during lunch. This mouth-watering burger is wagyu "kobe" beefdripping with cambazola cheese, house- made bacon, caramelized onions and arugula squeezed between a chewy pretzel roll.Prix Fixe Menu
With the economy the way it is at this time, every penny counts. Make your cash go a long way withEvery Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Chef Wallack and Chef de Cuisine Alex Shalev offer an affordable Three-Course Prix-Fixe Menu available for dinner, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The menu is priced at $30 per person and for just $15 more you can add a wine pairing, selected by our own wine connoisseur, to complement each course.